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Election Information

The Master of Museum Studies Student Association (MUSSA) holds elections twice a year, in the first month of the fall term and last month of the spring term. Second-year council positions are elected in the spring term to fulfill MUSSA's duties over the summer, and the remaining council positions (first-year positions as well as any unfilled positions) are elected in the fall term. Reference Article VI of MUSSA's constitution for more information on elections.All registered MMSt and CDP students are eligible to run and vote in MUSSA elections.

Important Dates

Nomination Period - March 18th - March 22nd, 2024

  • Nominate yourself for one of the available positions using the following Google Form found here.

  • You will need a nomination statement (max 1000 characters) and a photo of yourself!


All Candidates Meeting - 7pm to 8pm EST,  Monday, March 18th, 2024

  • Please attend this meeting if you are interested in running for any available positions in the Fall elections. We will discuss the election process and positions in more detail. Attending this meeting does not obligate you to nominate yourself, so you are free to attend the meeting even if you're just interested in learning more. You can attend the Zoom meeting here!

  • Watch a recording of the meeting here.


Voting Period: March 25th - March 31st, 2024

  • Voting will take place on a formal University of Toronto voting platform in which you will need your UTORid to vote.

  • Check your UofT email for more information!


Results Announced: April 5th, 2023

Why run for MUSSA?

Participating in student council is a great way to get involved in life at the iSchool and in the Museum Studies program, and to make sure your voice is heard. You can develop new skills in event planning, budgeting, advocacy, committee work, liaising with the faculty, collaboration, and more! It is also an excellent opportunity to make connections with your peers, faculty members, future leaders in the industry, and current industry professionals.

Election Guidelines


  • Registered MMSt and CDP students may nominate themselves for any available position on MUSSA.

  • Students may nominate themselves for ONE Executive position and/or ONE Committee position; or TWO Committee positions.​

  • Interested candidates are expected to familiarize themselves with the responsibilities of their desired position, as outlined in the MUSSA Constitution and below. Reach out to any council member or contact if you would like more information on any of the positions.

  • Interested candidates must submit a short nomination statement and a photo of themselves via the Nomination Form to be posted to eligible voters during the voting period.

  • If you wish to withdraw your submitted nomination, you may do so prior to the start of the voting period by emailing the CRO (Vice President) at

  • Any unfilled positions will be appointed and subsequently voted in by MUSSA following the election period without having to hold an election. These appointments will be made based on student interest.

  • Candidates are welcome to campaign for themselves, during the campaigning period listed above, while nominations are open. Campaigning is not permitted during the voting period. The following rules for campaigning apply:

    • You can only campaign for yourself, and can not enlist others to campaign on your behalf.

    • Be kind - there is zero tolerance for speaking negatively about any of the other candidates.

    • Only campaign during the permitted period.

    • You are welcome to use any forms of social media to campaign. If you wish to use your classes and the Virtual Inforum as spaces to campaign, you must receive the appropriate permissions from instructors and staff. If you are putting up physical posters, you must follow the iSchool's poster policy, and remove all your posters once elections are over. ​

Please take a look below at the positions available for election. You may only nominate yourself for ONE Executive position and/or ONE Committee position; or TWO Committee positions.

**Nominees should have attended the  All Candidates Meeting. If you were unable to attend, please ask for a copy of the recording by emailing in order to find out everything you need to know prior to submitting your nomination.

When you are ready, you can nominate yourself using the nomination form here. You will need to provide a short blurb sharing a little bit about yourself and your interest in the position, along with a photo of yourself. Both will be shared for everyone in the program to make their voting decisions.


Once nominations have closed and candidates are announced, candidates' nomination statements and photos will be available here. Please review the candidates' statements prior to voting.
Once you have reviewed the candidate statements during the voting period, you may complete your vote at For each open position, electorates have the option to vote for a candidate or decline their vote.

*Note that the site has been known to have issues on certain web browsers and devices. Please try another browser or device if you are receiving any error messages. If you require alternative accommodations for voting, please email the CRO (Vice President) at

​Whether you are voting or running in the election, we thank all students for your interest and for having your voice heard!

Available Positions

These are the available MUSSA positions for our Spring 2022 Elections! Committee positions have a * beside them. 
Brief position descriptions can be found below with full descriptions found in the Constitution

Available to 2nd year MMST and  2nd/3rd year CDP students only:

  • President 

  • Vice-President

  • Social Chair

  • Second-Year Representative 

  • Musings Administrative Editor* 

  • Musings Copy Editor* 

Available to any MMST or CDP student:

  • Social Media Manager

  • Alumni Association Representative*

  • Programs Committee Representative* 

  • iConference Committee Representative*

  • Masters Recruitment & Admissions Committee Representative (MRAC)*

  • ​​Committee on Standing Representative* 

Position Descriptions

Position Descriptions:

President (2nd year MMST or 2nd/3rd year CDP student)

  • Coordinates MUSSA's officers 

  • Calls MUSSA's Annual General Meeting 

  • Consults with the Director of the MMSt program

  • Liaises with MISC counterparts 

  • Sits on Faculty Council with the Vice-President

Vice-President (2nd year MMST or 2nd/3rd year CDP student)

  • Assists the President in the execution of the office 

  • Represents MUSSA on the Graduate Students Union 

  • Serves as Chief Returning Officer (CRO) for fall and winter elections

Social Chair (2nd year MMST or 2nd/3rd year CDP student)

  • Responsible for planning and execution of events for students 

  • Helps promote MUSSA's events and serves as contact point for events 

  • Manages Social Assistant 

Social Media Manager (any MMSt or CDP Student )

  • Promotes MUSSA through digital and physical marketing tool

  • Manages social media accounts 

  • Manages the Social Media Assistant 

Second-Year Representative (2nd year MMST or 2nd/3rd year CDP student)

  • Represents the interest of second/third year students and bring concerns to council 

  • Organizes and manages merchandise and merchandise sales throughout the year 

Musings Administrative Editor  (2nd year MMST or 2nd/3rd year CDP student)

  • Co-leads and manages the Musings committee

  • Leads the production of the Musings blog

  • Maintains Musings' website and social media

Musings Copy Editor  (2nd year MMST or 2nd/3rd year CDP student)

  • Co-leads and manages the Musings committee

  • Leads the production of the Musings blog

  • Edits and provides feedback on Musings articles 

Alumni Association Representative (any MMST or CDP student)

  • Sits in on the Faculty of Information Alumni Association (FIAA) meetings and reports on the committee’s actions to MUSSA council;

  • Serves on the Social Committee for FIAA-related collaboration and helps with its event planning;

  • Works with the Treasurer for FIAA-related collaborations

Programs Committee Representative (any MMST or CDP student)

  • Sits in on the Faculty of Information Programs committee meetings and reports on the committee’s actions to MUSSA council

Masters Recruitment and Admissions Committee Representative (any MMST or CDP student)

  • Sits in on the Faculty of Information MRAC  meetings and reports on the committee’s actions to MUSSA council

Committee on Standing Representative (any MMST or CDP student)

  • Sits in on the Faculty of Information Committee on Standing meetings and reports on the committee's actions to MUSSA council 

Indigenous Action and Anti-Colonialism Committee Representative (any MMST or CDP student)

  • Sits in on the Indigenous Action and Anti-Colonialism Committee (IAAC) meetings and reports on the committee’s actions to MUSSA council;

  • Meetings typically occur on the third Thursday of the month ;

  • Serves on the Social Committee for IAAC-related collaboration and helps with its event planning

*Note that the full list of responsibilities for each position is subject to change until approved by vote on the constitution at the AGM.

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